Tourtiere* 16 Servings @ The Geeks Recipe Database
Home 27 July 2024
Tourtiere* 16 Servings

1 lb Ground Beef (medium fat)

1 lb Ground Pork

1 lb Ground Veal

3 md Size Onions (chopped fine)

2 c Water or Milk

3 c (approx) cooked diced -potatoes (I added some milk -with potatoes)

** 1/2 ts Garlic powder

1 ts Steak spice (optional)

1/4 ts Cloves

1/4 ts Cinnamon

4 ts Salt (or to taste)

Cooking Instructions

Break meat apart and cook slowly altogether; drain fat when cooked. Simmer the rest of the ingredients with the meat mixture for approximately 2 hours (except the potatoes). Add potatoes and cook gently another 30 minutes. Add small amount of flour or corn starch to thicken (this may not be necessary). As the mixture cools, it will thicken. This recipe is very flexible and can easily be divided by 1/3 of each (1/3 lb beef, 1/3 lb pork,1/3 lb veal) and so on. If you try it this way, you probably would have two pies. Therefore, you can make two pies or several. It is traditional in Canada to make several for the season. **Use a hand masher so that the potatoes remain in little pieces.

by Hogan Courrier
Tourtiere* 16 Servings
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