Bannock 6 servings @ The Geeks Recipe Database
Home 27 July 2024
Bannock 6 servings

Bannock 6 servings

1 c Whole wheat flour

1/2 ts -Salt

1/2 c All purpose flour

2 tb Butter, melted

1/2 c Rolled oats

1/3 c Raisins;

optional 2 tb Sugar, granulated

3/4 c -Water;

approx, 2 ts Baking powder

Cooking Instructions

"Bannock, a simple type of scone was cooked in pioneer days over open fires. Variations in flours and the addtional of dried or fresh fruit make this bread the simple choice of Canadian campers even today. Oven baking has become an acceptable alternative to the cast iron frypan.. For plain bannock, omit rolled oats and increase the all purpose flour to 1 cup....

One of the earliest quick breads, bannock was as simple as flour, salt, a bit of fat (often bacon grease) and water. Indians wrapped a similar dough around sticks driven into the ground beside their camp fire, baking it along with freshly caught fish. Today's native _Fried Bread_ is like bannock and cooked in a skillet._Toutons_ are similar bits of dough deep fried. At a promotional luncheon for the 1992 Inuit Circumpolar Conference, Eskimo Doughnuts, deep fried rings of bannock dough, were served. It is said that Inuit children prefer these "doughnuts" to sweet cookies.

In many regions of Canada, whole wheat flour or wheat germ replaces part of the flour and cranberries or blueberries are sometimes added. Enrich your bannock with butter, oatmeal, raisins, cornmeal and dried fruit." Stir together flours, oats, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add melted butter, raisins (if using) and water, adding more water if needed to make sticky dough. With floured hands, pat into greased pie plate. Bake in 400F oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until browned and tester comes out clean. Cut into wedges. SERVES:6 VARIATIONS: In place of raisins add chopped dried apricots or fresh berries.

by Hogan Courrier
Bannock 6 servings
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