SOUPE A L'IVROGNE (DRUNKARD'S SOUP) @ The Geeks Recipe Database
Home 27 July 2024

8 Servings

2 tb Salted herbs

1/4 lb Salt pork, cut into small -cubes

3 lg Onions, chopped

6 sl White bread, cubed

8 c Beef stock Salt and ground black pepper Servings: 8 to 10

Cooking Instructions

Soak herbs in cold water, then drain. Fry salt pork until crisp and brown in a large, heavy frying pan. Add onions and saute until browned. Add bread cubes to the frying pan; toss to coat well. Place frying pan in a preheated 350 deg F oven for 15 minutes to toast bread lightly. Transfer mixture to a large, heavy saucepan. Add beef stock and salted herbs. Simmer gently for 1 hour. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.

by Hogan Courrier
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