Cap'n Redbeard's Bannock @ The Geeks Recipe Database
Home 26 July 2024
Cap'n Redbeard's Bannock

1 cup whole wheat flour
3 cups white flour
20 tablespoons maple sugar
12 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
Extra virgin olive oil

Cooking Instructions

Mix dry ingredients together and put into a Zip Lock or Platty. This recipe will make enough to satisfy 3 hungry voyageurs for 2 breakfasts.

Add water and stir to the consistency about twice as thick as pancake batter. Spoon batter into about ¼ inch of hot extra virgin olive oil. Try to make the bannock about 3-4 inches in diameter. Flip cakes over when they bubble just like a pancake does. These critters sop up a lot of oil so you may have to add extra as you cook more. They taste just like pancakes and syrup without all the mess. If any are left over after breakfast, put them in a Zip Lock and have them for a snack at lunch. They are usually gone before lunch. If you like a sweeter bannock cake, just increase the maple and brown sugar. Try a batch at home, and I am sure they will be on your next trip list.
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