Easy Schnitzel Recipe @ The Geeks Recipe Database
Home 27 July 2024
Easy Schnitzel Recipe

4 veal fillets (approx each 200g)
salt and pepper
2 tbsp flour
3 eggs
150g breadbrumbs
butter, lard or cooking oil

Cooking Instructions

Flatten the meat with a rolling pin or meat hammer. Season with salt and pepper and then coat in flour.
Coat in beaten egg and then coat in breadcrumbs.
Heat oil in a pan and then fry the Schnitzel on both sides until brown and the meat is cooked through. Approx. 4 mins on both sides.
Serve with German potato salad, fried potatoes or Spaetzle. Once cooked serve straight away. Do not keep warm in aluminium foil as the coating will go all soft and soggy.

by Chef Hogan
Easy Schnitzel Recipe
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